The Costanoan Rumsen Carmel people are engaged in a business venture to bring the Paulownia Tree to market. This tree is gaining popularity with hardwood manufactures due to it's fast growth and sustainable harvest rate. The tree exhibits many favorable qualities and has been called the "timber tree for the next century".
The tree is deep
rooted and thus poses little risk to sidewalks or buildings. The leaves
are very large and make great shade trees. The leaves can be harvested
for food for animals and also make an excellent mulch as the leaves dissolve
rapidly, adding lots of nutrients to the soil. In fact the tree removes many
nutrients from the deep soil and places it in the upper layers via the leaves
as they decay. This allows the tree to rejuvinate abandoned farm soil
and reclaim soils damaged by mining.
The lumber is light
straw colored, much like ash. It is light in weight with a very straight
grain. It does not crack, warp or split. It is fire resistant and an excellent
insulator of heat or cold. Its machinability is excellent. It stains, glues
and paints with ease.
The tree's
pedigreed and regal names include Empress Tree, Kiri Tree, Sapphire Princess,
Royal Paulownia, Princess Tree, and Kawakami. The surrounding mythology abounds
with several cultures claiming title to the plant's legends.
the Chinese first linked a tradition with the tree. The oriental Paulownia
is planted when a daughter is born. When she marries, the tree is harvested
to create a musical instrument, clogs, fine furniture, and they live happily
ever after. In actuality, it is a valued wood in the orient and top dollar
is paid for its procurement.
Legend also insists that it was named Royal Paulownia in honor of Princess Anna Paulownia, daughter of Russia's Czar Paul I.
The Costanoan Rumsen Carmel People see the tree not only as a business resource, but also as a way to replenish oxygen from the large leafs of the tree, and provide a sustainable growth forest. Native American culture is rich in its care for the environment, and the CRC Paulownia Tree Farm is one aspect of the tribes envolvment with culture and business.
In August of 2000, the Costanoan Rumsen People met the "Peace and Dignatity Walkers" that traveled from Alaska to Mexico, just as they did in the past. A Paulownia tree was planted in Chino Californa in a ceremony with the walkers and city officials. Below are a few pictures of that event:
*** For more information about the CRC Tribe, contact the tribal office at (909) 591-3117. Thank you for your understanding. ***
These pages are hosted on NativeWeb and maintained by Charles P. White. All content, including but not limited to images, photos, artwork and text, is copywrited (c) 2001, by the Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe, or various individuals as documented in the web page tribal records. Please obtain permission before posting, or republishing any content from this website.